See also also bike pic for other bike-related technical discussions and failed parts.

This is humor, not engineering, but it relates to FAIL.

As of 2013/07, SRAM has over a dozen pages claiming "cuts friction, durability and weight".

Presumably, they mean "it" (GXP) cuts friction and weight while improving durabilty.

They never explain what is "GXP". I tried various web searches, but was not able to figure out what is "GXP". So maybe they really do mean it hurts durability?

It is a little hard to know what to make of this obvious silliness, replicated across a dozen pages. "We spent all our marketing budget on engineering"? Or: "Our lousy engineering standards extend to our proof-reading"? Maybe this is really a clever "viral marketing" campaign? ("The only bad publicity is no publicity" has obscure origins — probably as old as the hills, the idea has not obviously been captured until Oscar Wilde's "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.")

Hey, less is more!


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